Tuesday, September 07, 2004

Jimmy and Liz's Top 10 Blindspots Among Improvisers:
  1. lack of trust
  2. fear of being labeled character with politically incorrect point of view
  3. nice people + nice choices = boring scenes
  4. the improv persona
  5. conflict is okay
  6. anger is ok, too
  7. playing from the brain, not the gut
  8. afraid of naming people, places and events
  9. plain ol' agreement
  10. spreading yourself too thin
Jimmy Carrane and Liz Allen co-teach their Individaul Asessessment Workshop. They have just anounced their fall schedule. For further information you can e-mail them at chicagoimprovassessment@comcast.net or by calling 773-528-0433.
This is all I know about them; caveat actor.

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