Downtown Theaters Over-Full
Imagine it's December 2007. Wicked is still playing to packed houses at the Oriental Theatre - with no closing date in sight. Buoyed by the support of Chicago's large African-American community and the constant sightings of producer Oprah Winfrey, the dedicated Chicago production of The Color Purple is selling tickets at the Cadillac Palace Theatre through 2009. And at the spiffy La Salle Bank Theatre - the most desirable venue in the Chicago theater district - the Chicago production of Jersey Boys is a standing-room-only hit with new "premium" seats going for $300 a pop. Now booking through 2010. But there's a problem. The Broadway in Chicago subscription series now has no place to go. Disney wants to bring back The Lion King, but someone locked the mouse out of its favorite house. Chicago's leading role as a center of pre-Broadway tryouts is under siege - for a lack of real estate. Just as it re-establishes itself as the Broadway of the Midwest and a major destination for showbiz tourism, Chicago is suddenly running out of theaters(from Chicago Tribune). Just some years ago, there were many worrying that the downtown theatre district, then largely dark, had been woofully over-built. Anyone have a spare room?
Strawdog Postcard Survey
Strawdog Theatre Company is doing an online survey regarding which theatres do postcard exchanges, mailing lists, etc. All theatres that complete the information will be given a copy of the results. The survey can be completed at is all I know about this; caveat actor (or rather producer). Note that some of the items they discuss, like email list exchanges, are controversial (e.g., non-opt in email lists, ignoring people's privacy preferences, possibly violating privacy laws by exchanging or handling personal information in sloppy ways). When using people's personal info, caveat actor.
Midwest Independent Film Festival October 3rd
The Midwest Independent Film Festival takes place Tuesday, October 3rd at 6 p.m. at the Landmark Century Centre Cinema, 2828 North Clark Street [Google Map].
Actor Safety
Dead actors entertain no one. Be careful, be safe, be successful.
Dramatists Guild President Apologizes
follow-up on my earlier post:Before writing the letter, I confirmed with what I believed to be an entirely reliable source that Weiss had been told by the producers of Stages 2006 that they did not want these presentations to be reviewed. This is not something I deduced. It is something I was told, directly and unequivocally. It now turns out that what I was told was untrue. That Weiss believed that the managers of Stages 2006 would be neither surprised nor distressed if she reviewed the eight presentations in question is now clear.I asserted otherwise. For that I apologize(from Chicago Sun-Times).
British Mag Says Cell Phone Jammers Wanted in Theatres
France has already allowed jammers to be used as long as emergeny call still go through, and in New York, a theatre has resorted to playing an obnoxious recording of cell phone rings so realistic that people all over the house dive for their phones in horror. I suppose, when audiences are paying the bills, it's hard to come down too hard on them... no matter how rude their phones may be.Labels: cell phones, spaces, trends
Free Shurtleff Based Class
Kurt Naebig (Julliard trained Actor, Chicago Director) gives an impassioned introduction to Michael Shurtleff's 12 incredibly practical, visceral way to approach your work. If you are thinking about taking a for a reservation at 312-527-4566 and come check it out...this free class is a great way to meet us!It is at Acting Studio Chicago (formerly the Audition Studio).
Labels: class
Second City 'The Improv Jelly'
A chance to do improv without taking a class or being in a show.Saturdays at midnight, through October 7thThe Second City Training Center's late night improv jam, "The Improv Jelly", is back for another 8 week run. The Jelly is a great chance for all improv students or non improv students to get up on stage and hone their skills. The show consists of numerous improvisation games and scenes that help any and all use their tools they know and a chance to learn new ones. There is even a nightly sign up list to make sure all who want to participate get equal stage time. Come and check it out with family, friends and classmates!The Improv Jelly. Saturdays at Midnight through October 7th.Tickets are $5, $3 dollars for Training Center students with I.D.The times I've gone in the past were fun.