Monday, August 29, 2005

No One Hears I.O. Drop the Ball:
Mike Myers, Andy Richter, Rachel Dratch and Amy Poehler - the leading lights of improv and sketch comedy - were improvising gamely on stage, drawn back to Sweet Home Chicago by their love of their comedic alma mater, ImprovOlympic. But due to a jaw-dropping lack of technical planning and a sound failure of catastrophic proportions, most of the sold-out Chicago Theater could hear hardly a single, made-up word.
At Saturday night's disastrous 25th anniversary show for ImprovOlympic (or I.O as it's now officially known [see my post on this]), the free-wheeling, uber-casual, intensely creative atmosphere of Chicago improv ran slap up against the perfectly reasonable expectations of people attending a big 3,500-seat downtown venue, ponying up as much as $75 a ticket, and expecting that someone, somewhere might have thought for a moment or two about their needs
(from Chicago Tribune).

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