Saturday, June 13, 2009


Saying No Can Be Good

I turned down two theater auditions in the past week. One of them was for Steppenwolf, which sounds crazy.
But I made this commitment to 'take care of business,' as it were - to focus on paying work, commercial and otherwise, and I can't just toss that aside because one of the city's premier theaters is calling

(from Rob Biesenbach's blog post which is worth reading in full).


Tuesday, June 09, 2009


SAG Ratified TV/Theatrical Agreements

Screen Actors Guild announced today that members have voted... to approve its TV/Theatrical contracts

(from, via my LA Acting blog).


Thursday, June 04, 2009


SAG and AFTRA Commercials Contracts Ratified

The new commercial contract is now effective for the next three years; actors can work on commercials without worry about strikes. Read more on the ratification of the commercial contract. SAG's theatrical contract, covering television and film productions, is currently being voted on by the membership.

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SAG Proposed Contract Vote Due June 9th

Votes on SAG's TV/Film contract are due June 9th. It seems the contract ends residuals and does not include a raise (only keeps up with inflation). Read more about the SAG proposed contract on my Los Angeles Acting blog.

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Acting Class Discounts

Act One Studios offers various Discounts on their acting classes, for instance if you enroll early, are an acting union member, continuing student, or are taking more than one acting class.

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