Free Theatre Stuff
Like seats:
Say, have you always wanted a big orange couch, or a used piano?
Do you need a big office desk? Or a bank of movie theater seats? Or file cabinets?Would you like this stuff FREE?!?The Playground is closing down it's old theater space on Lincoln Avenue, and we've GOT TO GET RID OF LOTS OF STUFF!We've got beat-up couches, we've got beat-up lamps, we've got telephones, we've got a piano, we've got seven banks of movie seats (four to a bank) we're willing to part with. Plus more stuff I can't even think of right now!Come on by the Playground (3341 N. Lincoln [Yahoo Map]) Saturday from noon until 5pm and claim it... this stuff is yours for the taking. The caveat? You've got to bring your own crew to move it, and you have to provide your own transport. And you've got to get it out NOW!For more info, or to lay claim early to some of our fine crap, e-mail me on Twitter or subscribe to the feed